1. Warrior pose
Warrior pose will enlarge and strengthen your thorax, making it more flexible and active.
1. Stretch your legs and place your feet parallel to each other.
2. Turn your left foot at 90 degrees and move your right foot inside.
3. Breathe out and bend your left knee.
4. Raise your arms and align them with your shoulders.
5. Then turn your head and notice your wrist.
6. Repeat the process 7-10 times and then switch to right side.
2. Triangle pose
Performing triangle pose will improve the blood circulation and will nourish your thorax.
1. Stretch your legs and rotate your left foot at 90 degrees and right foot at 15 degrees.
2. Extend your right arm up and touch your left foot with the right arm.
3. Keep your knees straight and rotate your face up and notice your fingers.
4. Repeat the same process for the other side.
3. Cobra Pose
Cobra pose will make your abdominal muscles stronger and improve the body posture. It will also enhance the lung volume.
1. Lie down on your stomach and take a deep breathe in. Keeping your lower body on the floor, slowly raise your torso.
2. Lift your head up and try to balance your arms and legs.
3. Now, breathe out while returning to the initial position.
4. As you repeat the exercise, try to increase the time you take to hold the pose.
4. Bow Pose
Bow Pose will shape your breasts and reduce the back pain.
1. Lie down on your stomach and raise your knees toward the head.
2. Lift your arms and legs up and hold your ankles.
3. Try to balance your stomach by lifting breasts and hips from the floor.
4. Hold this position for 30 seconds.
5. Wheel Pose
Wheel Pose will help in curing headaches and relieving fatigue.
1. Lie on your back and keep your feet apart. It should be wider than shoulder-width apart.
2. Place your hands behind and your palms, resting on the floor as shown in the picture.
3. Breathe out and lift your breasts and hips as high as possible.
4. Align your arms and maintain the position for atleast 30 seconds.
6. Camel Pose
Camel pose will increase your lung volume and help you to get rid of back pains.
1. Sit on your knees and pull your feet together.
2. Place your hands on heels and bend your back and stretch your ribs.
3. Stretch your hands to the floor and try to hold the pose for 30 seconds.